How often should I change the HEPA Filter on my Vacuum?

When using a vacuum, air is exhausted out of the machine. If the air is not filtered with a HEPA rated filter, then you may be exhausting the dirty particulate matter back into the environment you are trying to clean!

If you are using a HEPA vacuum, then you should know that HEPA Filters in vacuums should be replaced periodically due to build-up of debris/dust. But how can you tell when it’s time to replace the HEPA filter in your vacuum?

The simple answer is to replace it when the HEPA filter has lost its efficiency. As a general rule of thumb, if you are using a vacuum in your home, then you should replace your HEPA filter every 6 months. But there is more to it than that.


Why does it need to be replaced?

If the HEPA filter loses its efficiency, then the contaminants that you are vacuuming will be exhausted back into the air. These contaminants, no longer stuck to a surface but are now floating in the air can now be respirable depending on their size. This is not good for your health, and can cause a number of respiratory and other symptoms.

There are a couple of things that can cause it to lose its efficiency:

Compromised Filter

When you remove and inspect the filter, if you notice any damage to the filter material itself, then the filter has needed to be replaced long ago. If the damage is present, air flow (and contaminants) will funnel through these holes more, and defeating the purpose of the HEPA Filter

Clogged or Blocked Filter

If the filter material itself is predominantly discoloured, this will indicate that the filter is clogged or blocked. Not only is this bad for the filter, but it will affect the function and airflow of the vacuum. When there is a deficiency in suction or air flow, then your vacuum will be unable to capture these contaminants at its expected rate.

Bottom Line

If you have a HEPA-rated vacuum, or even an air scrubber or air filtration unit, generally speaking you should change your HEPA filter every 6 months.


Our Equipment

However, regular consumer grade vacuums (even with HEPA filters) may not suffice depending on what you are using it for. If you intend to use the vacuum for dust extraction, building works, mould cleaning, or any other construction work, then having sufficient suction, a proper seal, maintained durable HEPA filter, an affected debris removal system, and attachments suited to the job is vital. All of which is not guaranteed with retail grade products.

Here at Agile Equipment Hire, we can provide premium grade vacuums that are built to service such work. We also keep all our vacuums professionally serviced and cleaned, as well as inspecting them after each use. We also have H-class vacuums, and water extraction vacuums in our catalog.

Check out our HEPA vacuums available for Hire here!